Números Especiais

Call for Papers for Special Issue


Land Regularization and Development Policies in Agrarian Reform Settlements and their Territorial Spaces


The call for papers is now open for the publication of the special issue of REPHE - Journal of Political Economy and Economic History. This issue will feature unpublished works in the form of articles within the theme: "Land Regularization and Development Policies in Agrarian Reform Settlements and their Territorial Spaces," selected from submissions received from researchers of various institutions. The essays and articles submitted to REPHE, with a final deadline of November 30, 2023, will be pre-evaluated by ad hoc reviewers invited by the Editorial Committee of the Journal.

The editors for this special issue are:

Cesar Labre: Associate Professor at the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA).

Leonardo Melgarejo: Part of the coordination of the Gaúcho Forum for Combating the Impacts of Agrochemicals. Collaborating Professor and Researcher in the Agrarian Question specialization course at the Federal University of Agreste de Pernambuco and the Agroecosystems specialization course at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

Lúcio André de Oliveira Fernandes: Associate Professor at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel).

REPHE - Journal of Political Economy and Economic History - is another academic journal aimed at promoting the exposure, debate, and circulation of ideas in the fields of economic history and political economy. REPHE was established in September 2004 and has been continuously published since then. Its submission and evaluation system follows the "double-blind" standard. The journal is fully typeset using open-source software.

Articles should have a minimum of ten and a maximum of twenty-five pages, using font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. Texts should be submitted to the email editoriarephe@gmail.com, with the subject line "SPECIAL ISSUE LAND REGULARIZATION." Along with the text, a ten-line abstract (for articles), an English version of the abstract, keywords, and a brief description of the author(s)' academic and professional qualifications should be included.

Citation, reference, graph, and table formatting should follow the standards of the current technical norm of ABNT. The concepts expressed in the texts published by the journal are the responsibility of the authors. For more details, please read the Journal's editorial policy.